My World In Pictures

I am gonna have a new digital camera, I think today. I don’t know what it is really. I am not ready for any DSLR kind of thing, I have an aversion against buttons, clicking and levers. I am afraid of doing something wrong and can’t  be able to put it back. Seriously.

So maybe a point -and- shoot will be a nice one to start with, and learn about uploading and connecting with cables and all that. I have been comfortable and satisfied with my cell phone camera,  a Nokia C3.

To me, this is a huge step up, level up. LOL. Honestly, this means I am always clicking away the whole day, trying to capture  snippets of my life and put it out to the world, nice and scary.  But this is the direction I am aiming for, so to speak for me this year.  So that’s a plus point to achieving goals.

Spaghetti Bolognese, My Way

I am cooking from Manila, Philippines. Well, from one of the cities of Greater Manila Area, in Taguig City. The way I cook and of course what I cook is greatly influenced by what is available. This is still, a third world country. Spaghetti Bolognese is Italian in origin. So I cannot make it the authentic way. I have the recipe though.

This is done my way, using ingredients from the supermarkets, the downtown regular wet market and gourmet delis.

My Spaghetti Bolognese

I will make this a couple of more times before sharing the recipe. I hope to lighten it still and go the healthy way using whole grain pasta and organic tomatoes.

The Rest Of The Year Is IN Today

The first week of 2012 has been. Today is Friday, January 6. I dare say we are on to the rest of the year. The New Year has gone. I was one of those who was so eager to get rid of 2011 and did my utmost to revel and welcome the first day of January. Woohoo. I partied with people, prepared my year’s goals and actually started to make life changes back  in November. So for some of the things I do, like wellness, yoga, eating healthy, reading more how to take care of myself, etc., those are well underway.

Manila New Year Fireworks

I didn’t really start anything last January 1. The change in time from year-ender to start of the next year naturally occurs. We cannot stop it from happening. Even those who were having  great luck in 2011 couldn’t stay in that year, we all move on together. With it, the season goes on too, giving us the atmosphere and weather we are familiar with, well almost. Rain in December is unusual for most of us Filipinos.

I have to admit, I have a lot things I want to accomplish in 2012. In my head, I have the year to do all of them, or at least most of what is in my list.  BOINK!&/?! Every goal-setting, success, life-coach and guru will tell me, no, I don’t have the future to do even any of them. I don’t start somewhere there in the next months. I start here, now. Oh but I can’t, I don’t have what I need, I am waiting for this, that, something has to happen first, its complicated and I have to untangle a million and one before I can get to do that. I have to buy this gadget, learn how to set it, practice some more, lose a lot , blah blah blah.

Whew! Stop!

Stop. Breathe.

Breathe again.


I tune out all those thoughts and get quiet with myself.

Today is all I have. Now, this moment. What do I do? I do something right now, this day,  a small thing that is a step to my goals. Pick it up, stand up, bend, put on, set aside, notice.  Breathe. Do something again. Smile.

A map or the big picture of the overall goals help. (More on that later.)

In a nutshell: I start where I am and with what I’ve got. 😉