I Rise

People gathered on Valentines Day to support One Billion Rising, an event to bring awareness and stop all kinds of violence against women and assert their rights.


I fully support this cause.

I was once abused in a domestic setup. I knew what verbal, mental, emotional and physical harrassment and hurt on a daily basis for more than two years. Escape was a long time coming, but I got away. There was a cost for freedom and I paid for it dearly.

Now I am living a blissful life.

Ready For More

Imagine, last year I was experiencing panic attacks and spinning in the middle of the street, feeling all clammy and shaky. Now, I am ready to take on the world and things have been on the upswing. Amazing.

2012 has been one curly roller coaster ride. I hope to untangle memories and share with you some wonderful lessons I have learned… the hard way, mate. Hmmm.


The year is not over yet .

Goodbye, 2011

This is the only thing I want to say. Today is your last day in my life and I bid you farewell, 2011.

Good things  happened, of course. I also got stuck somewhere and it took a while to dislodge myself and just float away from it. I got out, too late in the year and have to coast through the holidays with a double whammy cough. This health concern consumed me for a while as it just won’t go away.

I still have it but mostly when I eat anything. So it has been a challenge to get nourishment. I have stripped my diet of a lot of things. Some I miss, others have not been in my consciousness for a while, so it isn’t  a big sacrifice.

That is where I am today, a few hours before I say hello to the next year, which I will gladly embrace tomorrow. Woohoo.

I am not to dwell, my notebook is filled with what I want after today, let it suffice. I hope that when the next year ends, I would hold on to it and feel sad that it’s going away, as each year does.

Hello world!

This is a very personal blog.

For sometime, as a domestic violence survivor, I had been stuck in the past. It was horrific, life stopping and a totally draining experience. But I came out of it with nothing but my broken self that I knew  I would piece together again  one day. The time it took to grieve  and accept the loss is exactly what is needed, and I am not about to question that.

I am now in the present. I know that the moment I am, I will  make an effort of connecting to myself this way.

This blog is born at a time that the chaos in my life is about making the changes about me. There is no one else involved. It is my personal time. I can do anything I want, go anywhere it suits me and just live it up. I do have a lot of lofty pursuits lined up.

But I start where I am and with what I’ve got. I have to be patient and let the process unfold.

Stay with me.

(Jupiter Image)