Sunday With Myself

I woke up hungry and thirsty at 3am. I slept early and skipped dinner. My slight cold was uncomfortable but I took the meds on time.

I just finished a cup of coffee and cooked Baguio Longganisa with Rice. It was a nice early breakfast that meant there would be a part two later in the morning.

It seemed I would on my own as my significant other, chose not to be very significant in my life today by being absent. He liked to sleep and rest on weekends.

Now writing in the present tense 

But my mind is full of things I want to do and accomplish, it’s actually not enough to tick off a lot in my mental list. I need to put them all down in my Note pad, but that will probably take the whole day already, shoots. Grrrgh. Still, I have to get it out of my head and make the list.

Church, prayers and bible reading. (Time with God)

Clear the fridge by cooking some of the stuff before they spoil.

Do a bit of laundry, such as have them picked up by the shop this morning.

Stop being a wuss and re-learn EXCEL on youtube.

Prepare my client list and inventory for work. This really takes the longest time.


Exercise with Yoga for an hour.

Be honest and say Net Surfing as it’s inevitable my dear.

Study Health and Wellness. A personal crusade for myself. Shifting from clueless to well-informed individual about my body.

Gee, really a lot of things to do. But I want to stay connected to myself and not blow the whole day by just sleeping or watching DVDs.

Personal Shaper

I admire people out there saving the environment, feeding the hungry people of Africa, and protecting the endangered whales of the seas. They are so awesome, taking care of other things than themselves. At one point in my life, I have been called to public service and did my tour. That was the time of the earthquake and erupting volcanoes. Nowadays, my area of responsibility is smaller. I take care of  my daughter, my recuperating mother, my clients’ needs, a soon to open office with partners. Yeah, those are others, and also a significant one that is part of my life now.

So I focus more now on the homefront and myself. The operative word being, myself. I guess its  a phase. I want to have the full awareness of this time, to embrace what’s going on and come out of it like I milked it with every wonderful experience I could. Let’s say, a year? 12 months of taking care of myself, learning about me and letting me be the best that I can be. I take on shaping myself  as a project.


Wellness is a priority, as in my next meal undergoes change as my body cannot take food from fast food and restaurants with a lot of additive, flavor enhancers named “spices” and MSG. I feel sick immediately after eating and it takes several days a  lot of antihistamine to get the toxins out.

Moving the yoga way. I make my practice a personal one. I do it privately. I haven’t joined a class. There is a club nearby I can go, maybe in a few months as I expand my hours out of the  home.

Study up. My book shelves  are full of stuff I want to read on.

Personal care. I am too lazy to keep up with my regimens. Now is the time to get back into the ritual.

Work takes a lot of  my time too these days. That is fun as I like what I do. With my project, our new office is about to open up, so there is a lot to do.

Later on, travel and seeing places.

I hope to have a home church too within this time, to nourish my spiritual growth.

That’s a good list of things to focus on in the coming months of 2012. Before writing this post, I have been feeling quite guilty as I think its selfish. But I am glad I made this decision and said my declarations.

The Rest Of The Year Is IN Today

The first week of 2012 has been. Today is Friday, January 6. I dare say we are on to the rest of the year. The New Year has gone. I was one of those who was so eager to get rid of 2011 and did my utmost to revel and welcome the first day of January. Woohoo. I partied with people, prepared my year’s goals and actually started to make life changes back  in November. So for some of the things I do, like wellness, yoga, eating healthy, reading more how to take care of myself, etc., those are well underway.

Manila New Year Fireworks

I didn’t really start anything last January 1. The change in time from year-ender to start of the next year naturally occurs. We cannot stop it from happening. Even those who were having  great luck in 2011 couldn’t stay in that year, we all move on together. With it, the season goes on too, giving us the atmosphere and weather we are familiar with, well almost. Rain in December is unusual for most of us Filipinos.

I have to admit, I have a lot things I want to accomplish in 2012. In my head, I have the year to do all of them, or at least most of what is in my list.  BOINK!&/?! Every goal-setting, success, life-coach and guru will tell me, no, I don’t have the future to do even any of them. I don’t start somewhere there in the next months. I start here, now. Oh but I can’t, I don’t have what I need, I am waiting for this, that, something has to happen first, its complicated and I have to untangle a million and one before I can get to do that. I have to buy this gadget, learn how to set it, practice some more, lose a lot , blah blah blah.

Whew! Stop!

Stop. Breathe.

Breathe again.


I tune out all those thoughts and get quiet with myself.

Today is all I have. Now, this moment. What do I do? I do something right now, this day,  a small thing that is a step to my goals. Pick it up, stand up, bend, put on, set aside, notice.  Breathe. Do something again. Smile.

A map or the big picture of the overall goals help. (More on that later.)

In a nutshell: I start where I am and with what I’ve got. 😉

I Can Visualize, Can’t I?

This is Meranda Kerr.

Supermodel Yogi

One day, I am going to do the same pose.

That is the most public declaration I have done in my life. Ever. Other people have their thing, like climbing Kilimanjaro, or skydiving from a cliff or an airplane or diving the  deepest seas. For me now, I cannot think of anything else, in fact, I cannot take it out of my mind.

To prove it,

4th Flow:SurfYogaSamba

from Flow:SurfYogaSamba

Need I  say more.